We're a team of diverse folks passionate about addressing some of the biggest challenges facing humanity.
We are rooted in nature. Everything we enhance, create, or change we’ve learned from nature.
We always stay curious because nature always has something to teach us.
We see infinite possibilities in nature. We’re not bound by previous limitations, and thinking of the past.
It’s only by embracing risks that we will actually solve the world’s biggest problems.
We live outside of category silos. This allows us to reveal the connections that others cannot see.
Looking at what we do today from the view of tomorrow – to understand true impacts.
John previously served as President of DuPont Sustainable Solutions. In this role John led a global consulting and process technology business specializing in transforming workplaces and work cultures to deliver improvements in safety and environmental performance. He joined DuPont in 2005 as global marketing director, DuPont Crop Protection.
Gerardo joined Flagship Pioneering in 2018 after a long career in the life science industries in various senior R&D roles with Ciba Geigy, Novartis and Syngenta. During the last 10 years he served as the global Head of Crop Protection R&D at Syngenta where he was instrumental in building an unrivaled crop protection chemistry pipeline, a state-of-the-art R&D infrastructure and a world class team. In 2019 Gerardo became CSO of Invaio.
Robert joined Flagship Pioneering in 2014 as an advisory partner and in 2019 became an executive partner. Robert focuses on innovations that address sustainability in the agriculture and nutrition sectors. He currently serves as the chairman of Indigo Agriculture, CiBO Technologies and Inari.
Ignacio joined Flagship Pioneering in early 2013 to lead the sustainability activities of the firm. He also focuses on entrepreneurial activities in life sciences more broadly, with a special interest in food, nutrition, and health. Ignacio is co-founder and founding CEO of CiBO Technologies, Inari Agriculture and founding director at Indigo Agriculture.
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At Invaio, we believe in order to change the world for the better we must invest in top talent. As you’ll see to the right – we’ve focused on building out a top-notch development team set on evolving status quo. We continue to think long-term and strive to create teams that are greater than the sum of their parts. We set to inspire new ideas, promote experimentation and support highly-motivated individuals for success in taking on some of the biggest problems facing humanity.
"A nation that destroys is soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people."
- FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT"Deforestation is changing our climate, harming people and the natural world. We must, and can, reverse this trend."
- JANE GOODALL"The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share."